POV: 👑 Queen Machine Treatment 👑

Point of View: You come into Sweet Tox for our newest treatment, the Queen Machine 👑. Let’s dive right on in to what a typical appointment would look like so you can be best prepared, for best results!

First thing’s first; booking the actual appointment of course either online or in house with one of our gals. The Queen Machine is a microneedling with radio frequency device, and the radio frequency sprinkles heat through the tiny micro channels we open with the needles to stimulate collagen. If you’re wondering whether or not you’re a good fit for the Queen Machine, truly ANYONE (well almost, anyway) is a candidate for it. With its ability to improve fine lines and wrinkles, skin complexion/texture (brown & red spots), acne scars and active acne, stretch marks, hair loss and SO much more, there’s not much this device can’t do.

When you come in for your appointment, you’ll first get checked in and make sure all necessary consents are signed, sealed and delivered. Your provider will bring you back and start applying our special numbing cream right away to make sure you’re as comfy as possible throughout your treatment. Remember, we’re using radio frequency here so it can be a bit spicy at times (around the bone and other typically sensitive areas), but nothing we can’t handle! We can always toggle the machine to higher or lower settings depending on how you and your skin are handling the treatment.

After numbing cream is on, we’ll get to chatting about your goals, your skin type, anything we should know about you that would affect the treatment, and everything else in between. Once the numbing cream is fully working, we’ll start the treatment! Fun fact, the creator of this machine LOVES gambling, so each wand push sounds like you’re in Vegas (what could be better?). Sit back, try to relax and dream of the youthful skin you’ll be left with!

Depending on areas treated, the appointment should last about hour-and-a-half to two hours, and we’ll be in cahoots with you the whole time about how you’re feeling. Once treatment is done, we’ll discuss post-care instructions, skincare dos and don’ts, and schedule out your next treatment (per communicated plans with your provider).

Make sure to follow the pre and post-care instructions well for best results 😍! We can't wait to get this treatment up and running and continue servicing our beautiful and wonderful Sweets.

Happy Queen Machine-ing!


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