De-stigmatizing injectables

Hey guys! It’s Maddie here; Operations Headmaster (Manager, but I love Harry Potter ya feel?) at Sweet Tox! I’ve been with Sweet Tox since April of 2021, and my ride here has been wildly wonderful.

Think back with me for a sec—injectables have always been correlated with vain, rich Beverly Hills Housewives for so long, have they not? Because of notions like this, I always thought the world of injectables and a place like Sweet Tox was completely out of reach for someone like me. Not because I didn’t know of amazing places like Sweet Tox that could provide a high-end injectable experience, but just because I didn’t know it was as accessible and easy for EVERYONE to dive into. I had always wanted lip injections (like seriously for so long), but none of my friends or family had ever gotten injectables before so I always felt kind of in the dark and alone in that. What’s a girl to do when you feel like everyone will judge you for wanting to enhance something that has always made you self conscious? Hope your pipe dream will someday become reality I suppose.

I just wish injectables and getting injections wasn’t as taboo as it still is, so let’s de-stigmatize the hewl out of it. There are SO many reasons someone could seek out injectables: facial accidents, birth defects, good ol’ genetics and so much more. Who are we to judge what someone else wants to do with their body, regardless of their why? We’re all just trying to figure out this thing called life and feel good doing so.

Fast forward to me working at Sweet Tox (!!!!!!!!!) and although I have easy access to injectables now (which I certainly do not take for granted), WOW has it all transformed my life. From treatments targetting anti-aging to adding volume to certain areas (let’s not forget we start losing volume and collagen in our 20s 😰), injectables have added so much confidence and self-love back into my life.

We also know getting injections can be SUPER scary and intimidating. We at Sweet Tox really get to know you, your goals, your why and THEN get to the actual injecting part, because getting to know our patients is half of the experience! With that, we also try to provide our patients with the most up-to-date, relative and helpful information both before and after their treatments to ease them through every step of the process. We’re all in this together 🎶.

To take words out of my mother’s mouth, we’re all beautiful just the way we are, and trust me Sweet Tox knows that. We’re in the business of helping all of our patient’s feel and be their best selves, whatever that may mean for them and their self-love journey. Point blank, periodt, end of story.

Your goals are our goals ❤️


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